martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008


Ruby Feria
Foto Prieres villagranadillo
The following letter is being sent to Elected officials in Miami Dade
County. It outlines some of the items to be discussed.

For Ruby Feria

Dear Elected official:

We take this opportunity to inform you that a press conference will take place, Thursday at 10:00 am, at La Poderosa 670 AM relative to the exhibition of a film regarding El Che Guevara, at the Bryson Carlyle Theatre, 500 – 71ST, Miami Beach.

We are asking our elected officials at county and city of Miami Beach, level, to convey their position on this issue, As to:

Whether the Carlyle Theatre is City property and thus subsidized with taxpayer's money.

Whether Elected officials at city and county level are aware of this presentation and the negative impact that it would have in our Community.

Whether you are aware that this individual was an assassin with a prominent participation in the Castro Communism and someone who pledged to destroy American Country.

Whether or not you have knowledge that this presentation is a clear confrontation and it intents to shame and dishonour our fight for a free Cuba and those who have died in the intent.

In the exercise of duties to your constituency, we ask you to join us in the defence of our dignity and recall any position you may have regarding the consent of such indignant act.

We rely on your good judgment, your many years of service to this community with a firm stand for freedom and democracy.

Time is of the essence. La Poderosa 670 AM stands ready to receive your message to the community at any time, Call Ruby Feria - 786-499-3018.

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