Saturday, March 13, 2010


Inicio » Cuba

The Pietá in Cuba (Versión en inglés)

Enviado por ei en Marzo 13, 2010 – 18:37 pm

Frank Rodríguez

Michaelangelo’s masterpiece was reproduced in Cuba yesterday.

The image of a fainted Guillermo Fariñas in the arms of his doctor, Ismel Iglesias, a dissident as well, on the way to the hospital due to his hunger and thirst strike demanding mercy for 26 sick prisoners of conscience, was caught moments before getting on an Agence France Press car.

The photo went around the world as the one of Neda, the 26-year-old woman that died from a gunshot wound in the middle of the protests in Iran.

The accusations of mercenary faded away from the unconscious patriot, there being not enough money in the world to pay for such sacrifice.

The accusations of being a common criminal dissipated in the light of this uncommon person that is breaking no law, even though laws in Cuba have been unjust and arbitrary since 1959.

Mr. Lula, there is no comparison.

What Fariñas did is not suicide or immolation. The suicidal person is at times a coward, trying to evade something with a quick exit. Suicides do not tend to be slow. It could be a patient wishing to escape from pain or a demented person that is no longer in control of his or her thoughts and emotions.

Neither is this an immolation, as he did not set himself on fire in protest. Fariñas risked his life on a strategic move against the regime. He knew well that this would probably cost him his life, but if the regime lets out 26 ill prisoners of conscience, Fariñas will eat and drink again. Fariñas, as a classic patriot, his willing to lose his life, or rather to exchange it rather than losing it, but this is not synonymous to suicide.

Lord have mercy, is the common prayer in a mass. But the current Lord of Cuba, the general that heads up the Cuban military junta has no pity. He has never had it, not in the mountains of the Sierra Maestra with the humble peasants he shot, nor in Havana with humble bricklayers whom he ill treated until death.

Dr. Ismel Iglesias briefly carried the cross of Cuba towards the hospital. There the battle of the intravenous injections, in recess for a week, commenced again. With dexterity the doctors applied dextrose on him. Fariñas situation is grave but so is the one of the Communists. The Castro family cannot take on the Fariñas family. A marble cold falls upon the photo of the Cuban Pietá. There is no pity for the 26. There will be no pity for those from the 26 of July Movement.

-Original en idioma español

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