Thursday, April 8, 2010


Marcos Rubio
foto google Internet

Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 10:10PM

Well, now we know why Gloria and Emilio Estefan are hosting that lavish fundraiser for the DNC and Barack Hussein Obama. The cat is not just out of the bag, it's sprung out like a hungry tiger.

According to campaign laws, any proceeds collected from fundraisers like the one the Estefans will be hosting must held and used within the state it was collected. SflaConservative has received confirmation that this warchest is being collected to use against what Democrats perceive as a clear and present danger to their fall agenda. They will use this warchest almost exclusively to wage unrestricted war against Republican Senate candidate and former Florida Speaker of the House: Marco Rubio.

Apparently, Mr. Rubio is a mortal threat to whatever plans Obama, Gloria and Emilio have for Florida. They feel intimidated enough to launch this full tilt lefty love fest before the primary is even played out.

A fair political question for the Estefans would be: do you feel the same way about Governor Charlie Crist, or is this fundraiser aimed solely at Marco Rubio?

Let there be no mistake. Gloria and Emilio are absolutely one hundred percent behind the Obama agenda and have now been co-opted as celebrity fundraisers for the cause. It's time to eliminate any doubt you may have had as to what they believe and where they choose to back up with their substantial wealth.

Again, they have every right to support Obama or chairman Mao if they wish. However, do not pretent that you are a friend of liberty if you promote, support and contribute to those that want to see our founding principles destroyed.

I'll say this, you as musicians and artists will be one of the first to take it in the chin if they - with your full support - succeed in irreparably altering this Republic. Let me refer you to the movie a friend of yours made called "The Lost City" that told of an artist named Fico Fellove and how socio-marxism destroyed everything he had built in the name of socialist progress.

Quick pause. If you have not seen "The Lost City" by all means do. It is a perfect example of what the marxist end game is when it comes to totally dominating their victims.

If you believe that socialism is the way to prosperity, I refer to only a few nations that suffed socialism's handiwork: the Soviet Union, East Germany, Czekoslovakia, Romania, Poland and how about a country closer to home...uh...CUBA.

"The ends justify the means..." Che Guevara. Be prepared to embrace that like a down quilt blanket.

When universal healthcare bankrupts the United States, will it justify destroying insurance for the overwhelming majority that are happy with it now? Will destroying all incentive to create jobs with a Cap and Tax system justify "going green"? Will destroying the right to a secret vote justify the implementation of "Card Check"? When businesses flee the Unites States because they fear the Timothy Geithner will confiscate their business due to "excessive risk taking" will that justify catastrophic business reforms?

The policy initiatives of the Obama administration are a modern day example of Che's philosophy of the ends justifying the means. It doesn't matter what consequences await our Republic, so long as the socialist / marxist framework is permanently installed.

You are raising money to support those who believe in these economic atrocities that have ravaged the world over. You are now actively against a candidate that embraces smaller government, low taxes, free markets, small business, entrepreneurs (you were one of those once) etc. You are free to make that choice. We thought it our duty to advise you of the consequences brought on by the "means", before the "ends" come crashing down on the heads of the American public.

I would like to end this article - Gloria and Emilio - with Fico Fellove's own words of wisdom...and of warning.


Anonymous said...

Again, they have every right to support Obama or chairman Mao if they wish. However, do not pretent that you are a friend of liberty if you promote, support and contribute to those that want to see our founding principles destroyed

Wrong, Obama is our President and our Commander in chief. If you did not vote for him you will have to wait until 2016. Emilio is using his influence so that he can get closer to the President . I'm sure the Cuban topic will be raised and Obama will have a better understanding of the situation

Hands on

Anonymous said...

Marco will probably win regardless if Esfefan donate or not. Emilio is not against Rubio. He is for Cuba

Anonymous said...

Rubio vs Joe

Me quedo con Joe

Anonymous said...

Sendon you are right the money will go against Rubio. But the Estefans have lost credibility, not because
their admiration for Obama but instead no one will believes they are sincere to fight communism after
our tragedy was used for their socialist agenda in America at the march of the ladies in white.

Anonymous said...

Si Celia estuviera viva

Debe estar revolcandose en la tumba

Bernabe said...

No es por nada Zendon pero tienes tremenda cara de satiro de mamador dehuevos y de cerdo del carajo


Anonymous said...

Rubio es mas descarado que los diaz-balart y los ross juntos

Anonymous said...

Rubio es como cualquier otro politico. Eso politico y ud saben lo que e so representa

pura mierda

Anonymous said...

Esta NAcion elije a sus politicos y los puede quitar, en Cuba se elijio el Dictador y se sigue elijiendo su arbol genealogico , bueno no tan genealogico porque la China es hija del cocinero, ajajajaja, asi que el culpable de que un politico en USA funcione bien o no es de quien lo elije y teniendo la oportunidad no lo quitan.

Emilio said...

Esta NAcion elije a sus politicos y los puede quitar, en Cuba se elijio el Dictador y se sigue elijiendo su arbol genealogico , bueno no tan genealogico porque la China es hija del cocinero, ajajajaja, asi que el culpable de que un politico en USA funcione bien o no es de quien lo elije y teniendo la oportunidad no lo quitan

Que alegria el que escribio esto es un cubano de verdad. No como los que comen arroz mahatma que llamam a Perez Roura todas las mañanas mofandose de Gloria y emilio por reunirse con Obama

OBAMA ES NUESTRO LIDER ELEGIDO POR LA MAYORIA Y HAY QUE AYUDARLO Y RESPETARLO. Hasta el 2012. Si no le gusta ahora tiene que esperar y derrotarlo en las urnas

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...