sábado, 28 de febrero de 2015
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En New York Times, David L. Kirp elogia para EEUU el modelo de “Escuela Nueva” de Colombia y Cuba (Silvio Rodríguez la definió como “cuna de nueva raza”)
(NYT)-During the past four decades, this school — and thousands like it — have adopted what’s called the Escuela Nueva (New School) model… A 2000 Unesco study found that, next to Cuba, Colombia did the best job in Latin America of educating children in rural areas, where most of the schools operate with this model… “As far as I know, there is no other example of massive educational improvement in a democratic developing country”… Escuela Nueva turns the schoolhouse into a laboratory for democracy. Rather than being run as a mini-dictatorship, with the principal as its unquestioned leader, the school operates as a self-governing community, where teachers, parents and students have a real say in how it is run. When teachers unfamiliar with this approach are assigned to these schools, it’soften the students themselves who teach them how to apply the method… I’m convinced that the model can have a global impact on the lives of tens of millions of children —not just in the developing world but in the United States as well… Officials, and those who set the policies they follow, would do well to visit Colombia, where Escuela Nueva has much to teach us about how best to educate our children. (En The New York Times)
-NOTA: El trovador cubano Silvio Rodríguez (junto a Pablo Milanés) definió La Nueva Escuela como “cuna de nueva raza”… y vio “en estos muros un preludio del futuro”
-NYT sobre el autor:“David L. Kirp is a professor of public policy at the University of California, Berkeley, and the author of ‘Improbable Scholars: The Rebirth of a Great American School System and a Strategy for America’s Schools.’”
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