domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010


Tea Party candidates on the ballot...
Take note and avoid falling prey to these electoral vote bandits...
tea pic1
Mystery Candidates Attempt to Divide Conservative Vote

There are a number of candidates in the running that purport to have tea party support. They are libera plants in a slimy attempt to divide our hard earned votes.

For liberals, desperation has set in and any way to take votes away from the growing grassroots revolution is permissible to them. Beware of these candidates sporting the word TEA next to their party affiliation.

THEY ARE FAKES AND FRAUDS. Beware of these names on the ballot, DO NOT LEND YOUR SUPPORT TO:
U.S. House District 25: Roly Arrojo
Commissioner of Agriculture: Ira Chester
State Representative District 115: Christopher Blau
State Representative District 119: Nestor A. Iglesias
State Representative District 120: Henry Llorella
They are completely unknown to the tea party movement.
The following are the candidates in these races that SflaConservative and the tea party movement DO RECOGNIZE AND FULLY SUPPORT:
U.S. House District 25: David Rivera
Commissioner of Agriculture: Adam H. Putnam
State Representative District 115: Jose Felix Diaz
State Representative District 119: Frank Artiles
State Representative District 120: Morgan McPherson

Please make note of these dirty tricks intended to blindside us into wasting our vote. Pass this information to all. Awareness will be the key to defeating this despicable tactic. God bless our Republic

Stout Hearts,

Marcos Sendon

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